Large crowds celebrate the Fiesta de la Música Los Cabos
Music is a universal language, which transcends all barriers and all borders, which jumps the walls, which spreads in the air.
On June 23, San José del Cabo, and Los Cabos, and Baja California Sur joined in something much larger than San José: La Fête de la Musique, The Music Festival. In this global celebration of music, they joined 10 million people around the globe in more than 850 cities, in more than 120 countries.
I have informally supported the Los Cabos music festival since its inception, but this is the first time I formally enter the board, and I must admit that I am very impressed by the Promotora Cultural Vivarte team.
It is difficult to imagine all the effort that is behind an event such as the Los Cabos Music Festival. It is really a giant puzzle that has to be put together. More than 100 musical projects, in 18 stages, more than 60 volunteers, an infinity of details, problems to solve, and a handful of bureaucrats that seem destined to make life miserable, and all that with very, very limited resources. It is understated to say that the Los Cabos Music Festival does not receive the institutional support it deserves! Not only has it little institutional support, at every corner, at every moment, until the day of the event, new obstacles arise, new requirements, rules change. It is difficult to understand the reason for the institutional obstructionism against the music festival.
It should be mentioned that the Municipal Institute of Culture directed by Alan Castro, as well as INJUVE, the youth institute run by Emanuel Hernandez has always supported the Fiesta de la Musica.
Yes, of course, the music festival has its challenges, its problems, but it is a fundamentally beneficial and positive event, without profit, the party of all for everyone! Instead of obstruction at each step, the authorities as well as the entrepreneurs of the historic center should work hand in hand with the organizers of the event to solve the problems and improve the event, by making it more successful.
Thank God we have more than 40 sponsors whose financial and logistical support finally allows us to arrive safely on the day of the event, despite all the obstacles, last minute changes, unforeseen events, unpredictable challenges.
We can not forget all the musicians, the artists, some who traveled from the interior of the republic, from Monterrey, San Luis Potosí, Guadalajara, CDMX and more, to contribute for free to this great event. It is paradoxical that the Los Cabos Music Festival has acquired over the years a reputation for excellence in the Mexican music scene, but still lacks respect and institutional support at the local level. It is paradoxical but not surprising, and follows a regrettably well-established pattern where while millions of pesos are routinely spent to bring in outside artists, and while Los Cabos and Baja California Sur have a lot of talents, local talents are often treated with disdain.
During my participation in the preparation of the Music Festival with Promotora Cultural Vivarte, whatever happened, I never heard a raised voice, no display of anger, no explosion of adrenaline, no battle of ego. On the contrary, it feels a true friendship, a great affection, and a great respect between the team of Promotora Cultural Vivarte.
For that reason, I want to say to Vivarte, to Dario and his team, to Karla, Oriana, Anna, Alex, Daniela, Samanta, Carlos, Marcos, MY RESPECT VIVARTE! At the Los Cabos music festival, they gave it their whole heart, and it was a great celebration of the heart.
I ask everyone to give Vivarte its maximum support!